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#27 – US Nuclear Still Threatened

...  nuclear power plants have retired early since 2013 for purely economic reasons.  Kewaunee closed in May 2013, Vermont Yankee ...  any outcomes have been made public.  State Rate Counsel testimony stated that the PSEG nuclear plants should not qualify for ZEC ...

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Privacy Policy

...  https://nuclear-economics.com (the "Site").  This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of ...

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#13 – Davis-Besse

...  into wholesale electricity markets. Two have retired early and more than a dozen are threatened. A recent state regulatory deal to save ...  Commission (PUCO) approved the FirstEnergy application for a power contract that would prevent the early economic retirement of the ...

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#5 – Revenue Certainty

...  templates used in financial and commodity markets. An example of an electricity hedge agreement is the contract for differences (CfD) ...  electricity users or vice versa. Case Studies Several examples are discussed here. TVO and the Finnish Mankala Rules Teollisuuden ...

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#14 – Market Failure & Nuclear Power

...  usually involve government action. Carbon pricing is an example of imposing costs on a negative externality. UK incentives for new nuclear power are an example of providing compensation for positive externalities. Another example ...

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#1 – Nuclear Power Plants – Long-Term Assets in a Short-Term World

...  Industry Activity It takes up to 10 years to develop and build a new nuclear power plant that will then operate for 60 years or longer. Electricity markets and financial markets do not easily ...

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#20 – Fukushima Dai-ichi visit

...  Electric Power Company (TEPCO).  This Commentary is a collection of my impressions. I was in Japan the week of 9 April to speak at ...  are being used to test robots and other techniques used to examine the first four units. A lot of water tanks and several large water ...

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#25 – Hitachi suspends UK nuclear

...  write-down on its Welsh nuclear investment.  The reasons for the suspension would appear to be lack of funding and concerns over the ...  power utility, SCANA, by Dominion last year, and these latest project cancellations in the UK that may undermine the UK’s commitment ...

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#17 – Better Market Design

...  not be as important in comparison to the level of CO2, for example. It is likely that gas, solar and wind would, therefore, be the main ...  could create an opportunity for nuclear to compete. For example, Alternative 1: nuclear could compete freely based on price to ...

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#4 – Nuclear Lessons from Vermont Yankee Closure

...  power plants in electricity markets provides lessons for all countries about the prospects for nuclear power in a restructured ...  Hinkley Point C incentive package in the UK is an example of the level and type of support required for nuclear power plant ...  closure of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power station is an example of what may happen to existing nuclear power plants operating in ...

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