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Melissa Hersh

...  international organizations, federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), and Fortune 500 companies on enterprise risk and strategic communications across a ...  Security is still being taught as part of ASU’s online MA degree-granting program in Homeland Security & Emergency ...

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#31 – Time to rethink renewable subsidies

...  gamble: regulators and policy makers bet that market forces in de-regulated electricity markets would lead to the electricity sector ...  while leaving another (nuclear) to wither. Researchers writing in Energy Economics find purely economic arguments (though ...

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Thought Leadership

Nuclear Economics Thought Leadership items from NECG’s client work, published articles, presentations, and other items. Also see NECG Capabilities, Nuclear Industry Information Sources, and Recommended ...

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#19 – Diablo Canyon Retirement

...  has researched and authored voluminous, carefully written testimony and vigorously participated during all the oral phases of A16-08-006. ...  benefits - of the continued safe operation of DCPP as an example nuclear power plant have been provided. For those readers that wish ...

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#12 – Nuclear Flexibility

...  bids into the electricity market) that are negative. For example, a wind generator may receive tax or renewable credits that are linked ...  this cost could be reduced or eliminated. The following examples of short-term nuclear operating flexibility may provide some ideas for ...

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#21 – Market Failure

...  usually involve government action. Carbon pricing is an example of imposing costs on a negative externality. Carbon pricing may ...  in those electricity markets. ZEC payments are an example of providing compensation for positive externalities. In New York, ...

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#24 – Government Support

...  merchant nuclear project at Akkuyu is proceeding, while searching for investors. In Finland, the Mankala model used by TVO and ...  and was re-nationalized a few years later.  This is an example for other countries about how to avoid losing the nuclear power ...  a viable nuclear power industry will be closely examined by all countries considering how to reconcile electricity industry ...

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#6 – U.S. State Action on Revenue Certainty

...  future EPA rules on carbon emissions. Summary In these examples, merchant nuclear plants will have increased revenue certainty due to ...  reliability, and local economic impact. All four examples show that U.S. wholesale electricity markets do not provide sufficient ...

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#28 – Roadblocks for US Nuclear Exports

...  opportunities. The US nuclear power industry is a collection of private, shareholder-owned companies that faces two primary ...  SOEs can offer. While advanced reactor technology research and development is being pursued in the US and in other countries, a new ...

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NECG Collaboration

...  on direct industry work experience, consulting projects, research for papers and reports, expert testimony in litigation/arbitration cases, and other activities. NECG’s ...

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