Nuclear power is too important to be left to the market. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I completed a book on nuclear power market failure. Market Failure – Market-Based Electricity is Killing Nuclear Power, was released in January 2021. The book includes information on the nuclear power and
Read more →[18 Mar 2019 update, to reflect news about Seabrook and Millstone] Nuclear power is an effective way to reduce carbon emissions in the electricity sector. Keeping existing nuclear power plants in operation as long as possible is the most cost-effective way to do this. Yet, existing nuclear
Read more →[26 Feb update] Japan has set a target for nuclear electricity production in 2030 of 20% or greater at the same time that it is restructuring and reforming the electricity industry. Reforming the electricity industry while maintaining a viable nuclear power industry during and after the nuclear
Read more →Firms are declining to operate and declining to build nuclear power plants due to poor financial performance despite the large public benefits, including zero emission electricity, provided by nuclear power plants. As a new administration takes office, there is an opportunity to decide if and how the
Read more →This month, Exelon decided to retire Clinton (photo above) and Quad Cities, OPPD decided to retire Fort Calhoun, and PG&E decided not to pursue license renewal for Diablo Canyon. The substantial public benefits from these six nuclear power reactors will be lost. This Commentary is about why
Read more →U.S. merchant nuclear power plants are losing money selling power into wholesale electricity markets. Two have retired early and more than a dozen are threatened. A recent state regulatory deal to save Davis Besse is promising, but faces challenges. The complicated cases and decisions discussed here are
Read more →Summer in Washington DC Hot weather and a more relaxed approach, including this Commentary – 17 interesting things about nuclear power, with pictures. See Buzz Feed Post 1. Sendai restart! Earlier this week (on 11 August 2015), the Sendai 1 nuclear power reactor was restarted
Read more →A WSJ editorial, Rethinking the U.S. Surrender on Nuclear Power[1], suggests that the U.S. and other Western democracies have surrendered the nuclear power industry to Russia and China because of our approach to nuclear safety regulation. The editorial ignores other important factors leading to the difference in
Read more →2013 PJM Load Duration Curve Nuclear power plants are base load generators – due to economics. NECG Commentary #3 explains base load generation, the economic reasons that nuclear power plants operate in base load mode, and the capability of nuclear power plants to operate flexibly. Base Load
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