Commentaries cover nuclear economics, the nuclear industry, the electricity industry, and related topics.

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The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) translates NECG Commentaries into Japanese. Many thanks to my friends and colleagues at JAIF!

#3 – Nuclear Base Load

NECG - PJM Load Duration Curve (LDC)

2013 PJM Load Duration Curve Nuclear power plants are base load generators – due to economics. NECG Commentary #3 explains base load generation, the economic reasons that nuclear power plants operate in base load mode, and the capability of nuclear power plants to operate flexibly. Base Load

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#2 – Nuclear Power & Short-Run Marginal Cost

NECG Commentary #2 - Electricity Market Clearing (SMP Chart)

Electricity Market Clearing Short-Run Marginal Cost (SRMC) is an important factor in electricity markets. Bids into these markets are based on the SRMC of generators participating in the market. Bids are accepted, starting with the lowest bids, until bids accepted equal demand. All bidders are paid the

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